On the Move

A biblical worship service should reflect good news, tell good news, and propels us toward gospel service. Neither the service nor the Christian life should be static. This week Kevin DeYoung’s sermon series takes us to Acts 13:1-12 in which Barnabas and Saul/Paul are sent out – they are on the move. 

Here’s a link to our Sunday order of worship. Below are my notes to help prepare us for the service. 

Today our service progresses from a plea for mercy to confidence in our calling to tell of our Redeemer. We move from requesting that the Lord would shine upon us to confessing that Jesus does reign wherever the sun may rise and set. We are called to turn from disobedience unto obedience. We ask “is Christ worthy?” and sing with confidence that he is. We move from darkness to light, from shame to salvation, from hearing to speaking, from receiving to sending. We are not a static church, but a church on the move that the Lord’s glory might fill all the earth.

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